Author: Jerry Hunter

Jerry Hunter is a tech guru who loves to share his knowledge with the world. He is an expert in technology trends and writes tech tips for various blogs. When he's not writing or tinkering with gadgets, Jerry enjoys spending time with his family and friends.

When you’re driving your car, you might see a light come on that indicates reduced engine power. This light means that your car is giving you warnings about its performance. Your car has detected some possible issues, and the reduced engine power light is your car’s way of telling you that something isn’t right. If you see this light come on, it could be because of any number of things. There may be something wrong with the engine sensors, or there could be another problem with the motor itself. Either way, this light shouldn’t stay on for long if everything…

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If you’re renting an apartment or condo and it doesn’t have a cable jack in your bedroom, you might be wondering how to extend cable TV and internet to another room. Fortunately, there are several ways to accomplish this that don’t involve breaking walls or spending thousands of dollars on construction services.  If you want to use the devices in another room but don’t want to go through the hassle of moving them back and forth between rooms every time you want to watch TV or browse the Internet, extending your home network is the way to go. When you…

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If you are familiar with Facebook or social media in general, you’ve probably heard the word “friending” before. It’s a word used on many social media sites that refers to becoming friends with another user. Friending someone on Facebook is essentially giving them access to see your profile so that they can learn more about you and add you as a friend as well. To friend someone on Facebook, you first need to locate their profile. This is usually done by typing their name into the search bar located towards the top of most pages on Facebook. Once you have…

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Several ways to do this include viewing your job applications on LinkedIn. You can also use this information to see which of your skills or experience attracts the best opportunities. There are two ways to view your job applications on LinkedIn: by searching for them manually or letting the network do so for you. If you are okay with sharing that information publicly, it’s a good idea to let LinkedIn do the searching for you. The app will analyze all the data from its users and return with a list of everyone who has applied to similar jobs as yours. This…

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If you give your MacBook to someone else, you might want to reset it or delete your personal data from it. Factory resetting a Mac is easy compared to Windows. The method of resetting a Mac laptop differs depending on the model. You can factory reset your Macbook Air without a password by following these simple steps below. We all know that the sensitive information stored on our computers is confidential, and we should take necessary measures to protect it. If you have purchased a used Macbook Air and are concerned about its previous owner’s data, you might want to know…

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With so many personal information hacks floating around the internet, you might think that nothing is safe. But there are still plenty of things you can do as long as they don’t require a social security number. However, if you have one, using it to buy things on Amazon may be your best bet. A social security number is a nine-digit identification number issued to U.S residents to track their income for tax purposes and other related services by the Social Security Administration. Furthermore, the same nine digits are also used for authentication purposes in various websites that require users…

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Yes, it’s totally possible to plug a generator into a wall socket. The electricity produced by generators is referred to as “standby power” because it doesn’t have much real-world use until an outage happens. Once that happens and you need that generator, you need to know how to connect the generator to your home’s electrical system. Fortunately, you can use wall outlets for this purpose because they are not in constant use like light switches and plugs. Generators produce electricity in the form of direct current (DC). This stands in contrast with the alternating current (AC) that most homes use…

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Alexa is a great assistant, especially if you have smart home devices. However, setting up Amazon Alexa with your smart home devices can be a bit of a challenge. Fortunately, Alexa comes with pairing mode so that you can easily connect the virtual assistant to your devices. This article will help you learn everything you need to know about how to put Alexa in pairing mode and get her connected to your smart home devices. If you’ve set up an Amazon Echo or a compatible device in your home before, you’ll know that it can be quite a long process.…

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When you think of headphones, the first thing that comes to mind is music. After all, these devices are specifically designed to isolate external sounds so that we can listen to our favorite music in peace. However, did you know that your headphones could pose a danger to your head as well? That’s right. Those compact audio accessories could actually end up denting your head if used frequently over a prolonged period of time. However, this should not be taken lightly. The potential health risks posed by regular use of headphones may not be as obvious as you think. While…

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In this digital age, it’s not uncommon for people to find like-minded individuals online before meeting in real life. While online communities generally lead to positive interactions between like-minded people and help them feel less alone, there are always going to be negative individuals as well. With streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Crunchyroll becoming more prevalent and accessible, those who partake in these activities have begun to create their own communities centered around the shows they enjoy. Perhaps you’ve even stumbled across a Discord server based around one of your favorite anime or streamers? If so, you…

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