Author: Jerry Hunter

Jerry Hunter is a tech guru who loves to share his knowledge with the world. He is an expert in technology trends and writes tech tips for various blogs. When he's not writing or tinkering with gadgets, Jerry enjoys spending time with his family and friends.

In this digital world, knowing what friends are up to can be challenging—keeping track of who is doing what and when can feel like a constant game of catch-up. Apps like Instagram have made keeping in touch with friends much more accessible. With this social media app, you can share pictures online and keep up with your friends in real-time. It’s not always easy to remember who has viewed our stories on Instagram or if there are any unseen comments on a photo we posted. This article will teach you how to read unread messages on Instagram and see who has…

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Time to check your ego, guys. It’s not that you can’t see who liked you on Tinder without paying for its premium version; it’s just that it hasn’t been a feature since the app launched in September 2014. For the last four years, users have either been operating with limited visibility or have had to pay an additional fee to know who sees them favorably. However, there is good news for all you singletons out there looking for love! As of April 2019, Tinder has made its Gold membership free until June or until they reach a certain number of…

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Did you know the Apple Watch has a green light? It’s true. The green light appears when you press the Digital Crown to view the Home screen. Many users aren’t aware of this feature and are intrigued by it. If you don’t like the green light, you can easily disable it. Turning off the light is an efficient way to keep your Apple Watch organized and tidy. The green light on your Apple Watch alerts you when you have new notifications such as texts or emails. These prompts are helpful if you tend to forget about other people or become…

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Even though Snapchat has more than 200 million users, the app still has its fair share of haters. And if you’re one of those who are not fans of Snapchat, we have some bad news for you — you might just be banned from using it. Getting banned from an app is never fun, but with some creativity and self-discipline, you can get back on Snapchat after getting banned.  It sucks to get locked out of your favorite apps, even if you don’t use them often. But as they say, all good things must end at some point. After reading…

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You might have been hiding your love for a certain band or song from the world for some time now. But that doesn’t mean you can’t express it in your Instagram posts. You just need to be more careful. If you love to upload pictures with bright reds, blues, greens, and yellows on Instagram, then you need to know how to hide highlights on Instagram before posting them online. This is an important tip to remember if you want to keep your social media privacy and not let everyone know the things that are closest to your heart. It may…

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The humble Macbook has a reputation for being more user-friendly than the Windows alternative. It’s not just because of the cute, friendly OS but also because OS X is much simpler to navigate. That’s because you can’t access almost every nook and cranny with a few clicks as you can in Windows 10. But even Macbooks have their kafkaesque moments where things don’t seem to make sense. Take, for instance, how you cannot turn it on without the power button. And yet, here we are, with no other option but to find a workaround that lets us turn on a…

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Did you enjoy your time at the carnival or fair last year? Did you take any photos with the crazy and weird photo booths that they had there? Did you have fun with those photo booths where you could dress up as your favorite celebrity and take a picture to prove it? Did you love taking pictures in those fun and crazy vending machines where you could catch a stranger’s eye and capture their reaction on camera? Did you take any photos with those retro cameras that printed out the image immediately so that it was ready for framing almost…

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When it comes to any social media platform, there is always going to be some sort of negative side to the positive. With the good comes the bad and that’s where things like Facebook Groups come into play. They are a great way to connect with people that you aren’t necessarily friends with on Facebook but may know through another mutual friend. However, as great as these groups can be, they can also have a negative impact on anyone who happens to stumble across one that is malicious or has an agenda behind it. In some cases, these groups could…

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Perhaps you’ve been responsible for looking after a relative’s phone for a few days while they’re away. Or maybe your partner has left their phone at home, and you need to send them an important message immediately. In this situation, it is helpful if you know how to un-sync another person’s phone from yours. You may think that this is not something you will ever need to know, but as so many people now have smartphones, there are plenty of occasions when it might come in handy. You may worry about handing over your phone to someone else or transferring…

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Unlocking your Macbook Pro is pretty simple, but if you’ve forgotten the password, things get a little more complicated. If you don’t remember your Apple ID or you never set up an Apple ID on your Macbook Pro, it becomes even harder to unlock the device. Working with Macbooks is an everyday part of many jobs and for that reason, it’s important to know how to unlock a Macbook Pro in case you ever forget the password or lock yourself out because of something silly like a typo. These instructions assume that you have administrator privileges on the computer, which…

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